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Specialties and Therapeutic Resources

ICV, the spinal column institute, is part of an international initiative for excellence in clinical care. A specialized service in the musculoskeletal area, from primary prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. We develop strategies based on pain control, correction and muscle rebalancing, based on clinical and scientific evidence.

1. Advanced Treatment for Disc Herniation and Flexodistraction, at COX TABLE.
2. Control of pain and inflammation with various technologies including neural therapy, neuromodulation, electrotherapy and laser therapy.
3. Regenerative therapy using various methodologies including the use of Shock Wave therapy
4. Clinical Acupuncture and Advanced Dry Needling in regenerative approaches, joint, neuropathic and neurogenic pain control.
5. Treatment of Scoliosis, Kyphosis and Lordosis with the Postural Adjustments technique, postural re-education, correction and rebalancing of muscle chains.
6. Orthoroll and Lumbar and Cervical Clinical Biomechanics.
7. Instrumental Adjustment Therapy integrated with structural and reflexive techniques.
8. Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy integrated with multimodal approaches.
9. Chiropractic Clinic with certified approaches in the Gonstead, Thompson Logan and Advanced Diversified methods
10. The best of the different integrated Osteopathy methods.
11. Integrated posturology.


© 2023 By Instituto Coluna Vertebral

Certified Institution

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