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Neuro Reflex Release Technique


In an era influenced by revolutionary chiropractic philosophers such as Hugh Logan with Logan Basic and Major Dejarnette with the Sacro Ocipital Technique (SOT), a new movement emerged that transformed the professional scope of chiropractic. Since the publication of the work by chiropractors, Hurley and Sanders known as The Age of Aquarium of Healling Arts, Chiropractic has undergone several innovative influences. “In 1932, Dr. Hurley and Dr. Sanders published their first book Healing for the Aquarian Age.


Moment 1

Concept of Subluxation based on Faye's model Theoretical bases of neuromuscular physiology, muscle spindles, golgi tendon organ. Concept of motor points and their correlation in reflex release. Myopathology and its relationship with the chiropractic subluxation complex, pathophysiology of Tigger Points, Taut Bands, Acute and Chronic Muscular Hyperactivity.

Concept of reflex receptor tone,

Reflexive release therapy concept

Main reflex areas, Auxiliary reflex points, Manual reflex release

History and foundation of the Reflex Release technique, anatomy of main, auxiliary and secondary reflex areas.

Basic back protocol, points of contact and maneuvers, topographic and stimulation protocol in muscular reflexic areas (30 s) and in neuropathic arias (30 repetitions).

Positioning of the patient and therapist, practice of the dorsal protocol in the lower girdle, lower limbs, upper girdle, upper limbs. Guided practice of the basic reflexive release protocol.


Moment 2 and 3

Instrumental Myofascial Release with direct mechanical action with ITM FISCH

Instrumental Reflex Release with indirect reflex action with ITM FISCH

Demonstration and instrumental practice of the dorsal protocol with the ITM (Manual Therapy Instrument) FISCH in the reflexive release protocol.

Demonstration and instrumental practice of LMD direct myofascial release with the ITM (Manual Therapy Instrument) FISCH with humectant agent indicated for the treatment of tendinopathies and myofascial dysfunctions.

Appendicular TLNR, indications and contraindications.

Appendicular TLNR practice and clinical application.

Dynamic cupping in appendicular and axial reflex areas. (anterior tibialis, triceps surae myotendinous junction, radial brachy, deltoid insertion, middle, superior and inferior reflex area.

Correlations and clinical cases.


Moment 4

Presentation of the ventral myofascial reflex areas in the reflex release protocol.

Activation of anterior reflex areas: Upper, middle and lower.

Ventral diaphragmatic pelvic release protocol.

Lower limbs anterior aspect in femoral nerve tracing.

Lower limbs medial aspect and medial infraplatotibial reflex point

Instrumental Myofascial Release with direct mechanical action with ITM FISCH

Instrumental Reflex Release with indirect reflex action with ITM FISCH

Reflex protocol on the head and temporomandibular joint.

After this movement, Mixer Chiropractic developed and flourished new treatment concepts inspired by reflexive and indirect techniques, focusing not only on articular approaches but also on ligamentous, fascial and mainly reflexive structural approaches, capable of promoting facilitations and corrections that can treat whether or not associated with adjustment, but in no way losing specificity.

The TLNR was developed, based on studies of the Nimmo technique, the Logan Method associated with the study of neuromuscular physiology, related to motor and reflex points capable of reestablishing muscular balance and contributing to joint reflex repositioning. This is a soft tissue Chiropractic Physiotherapy technique that uses specific neuromuscular and joint stimulations with the aim of promoting reflex muscle release that can bring reflex myoarticular biomechanical benefits, facilitating the action of joint adjustment chiropractic, acting in conjunction with it or even in a similar way. independent.

Principles and fundamentals:
Note that joint kinesiopathology promotes myopathology and myopathology also promotes joint imbalance.

Considers the effect of CSV on musculoskeletal imbalance, causing muscle imbalances that can progressively promote structural dysfunction.

Consider that structural changes (for example Scheouerman's disease) can promote joint or even muscle dysfunction, or other soft tissues.

The primary cause may alternate between joint, muscular or structural dysfunction.

The technique is capable of promoting reflexive relaxation using special, main and auxiliary points for normalizing muscle tone. It also locates motor points in key control regions.

The method can be applied manually and/or using an instrument called the Fisch Manual Therapy Instrument (ITM Fisch).

It uses an anatomical and neurophysiological model called neuropathic.

It can be associated with manual joint movements and even axial or appendicular adjustments.

Clinically it is combined with physical methods of neuropathic needling and exercises.

The technique began to be developed in 2006 by Chiropractic Physiotherapist Pablo Dias, with a manual and instrumental approach with the design of an instrumental manual therapy instrument called FISCH was developed in 2014.

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