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Gonstead Europe

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The Gonstead Chiropractic concept is characterized and differentiates from other chiropractic methods by the precision in positioning and execution of joint adjustment with a solid basis in biomechanics and physics.

The Gonstead Method also makes use of patient visualization, static and dynamic palpation, X-ray (Spinography) and Nervoscope, which detects thermal changes caused by subluxation. All this to better identify the primary subluxation or ultimately detect the true cause of the patient's dysfunction and make the best adjustment, as precise and resolute as possible.

This is the most precise chiropractic method and its adjustments are the most specific.

USA, but it can be considered the most important, complete and effective method of adjustment therapy today. Until 1930, the predominant technique in chiropractic was B.J. Palmer's HIO (Hole in One). The Gonstead method emerged as a development and evolution of the Palmer techniques, with extreme clinical and biomechanical precision, thus widely accepted and implemented in Palmer to this day, as one of the most traditional and efficient techniques in chiropractic.

The foundation of the body is formed by the pelvic girdle consisting of the hip bones and the lumbar spine promoting maximum spinal balance. Dramatic changes can occur in the body when there is an imbalance in the hip bones, but also in any bone in the spine when rotated or misaligned.

This is a specific chiropractic technique that is distinct from the Diversified technique because it focuses primarily on PA adjustment rather than rotary adjustment and generally results in cavitation of the joint. X-ray analysis, (spinography), palpation and temperature gradient study, can be used in clinical decision making (i.e. which segments to manipulate/adjust). It provided the main foundations for the development of Diversified techniques (more popular, simplified and less specific) and that is why the Gonstead method is one of the first methods to be taught in the USA, considering the strong biomechanical foundation.

Today, there are many methods used by chiropractors to correct spinal dysfunctions, joint dysfunctions, and subluxation complexes. Interestingly, one of the most advanced and scientific methods is a technique called the Gonstead Method.

There are huge benefits to looking for a licensed doctor in Gonstead when choosing a chiropractor in your area. It's also comforting to know that if you take a vacation or move to a new area, you can continue quality care without interruption or changing style and technique. There is a worldwide referral network of qualified chiropractors in Gonstead, using the same analytical methods, the same specific adjustment procedures, and who share the same goal – to correct the subluxations in your spine with the goal of creating a healthier you!

The Gonstead system
Gonstead procedures are the result of extensive clinical research by Clarence S.Gonstead, founder of the world famous Gonstead Chiropractic Clinic in MountHoreb, Wisconsin (USA) and his associates. Doctor Gonstead's fifty-five years of continuous practice and over four million chiropractic adjustments have resulted in the most complete method of biomechanical analysis available for use by doctors of chiropractic today. This technique requires great mastery from its practitioners with many years of training.

Static Palpation – This is simply the process of feeling (or palpating) your spine in a stationary (or static) position. Your chiropractor will feel for swelling (or edema), tenderness, and any abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles and other tissues of your back.
Movement Palpation – This process involves feeling the spine as it moves and bending it at various angles. This allows the chiropractor to determine how easily or difficult each segment of your spine moves in different directions.
X-ray analysis – X-ray films allow your doctor to view the entire structure of your spine. This is useful for assessing posture, joint and disc integrity, vertebral misalignments, and ruling out any recent pathologies or fractures that may be present or contributing to the patient's condition. These spine x-rays are taken in the weight-bearing position to fully substantiate the examination findings.

Basic principles
The Basic Principles of the Gonstead Method of Chiropractic Analysis
The Gonstead concept of chiropractic begins with a basic biomechanical principle in physics. Every engineer, architect, builder and carpenter knows the importance of an adequate foundation when constructing a building, as this guarantees durability and long life. Any slight shift or shift in the foundation can cause a large amount of drift in the upper part of the structure and perhaps ultimately its collapse.

The foundation of the body is formed by the pelvic girdle. When this bony structure made up of hip bones and lower back bones is level, there will be maximum balance and stability in the spine. When the pelvic girdle or any of the vertebrae (bones that make up the spine) become tilted or rotated out of their correct position, drastic changes in the body can occur.

These misalignments can cause pressure on the discs that separate the vertebrae. (The condition of the disc is the key to the patient's health problem in many cases.) The vertebra can become misaligned from the cumulative effects of several minor episodes or from a single accident. Nature is often able to handle these spinal bumps without assistance. Sometimes, however, vertebrae that are tilted or rotated out of their normal position can be too much for nature to handle effectively.

To better understand what happens, we must know that discs are actually cushions between the vertebrae and consist of a spongy substance surrounded by cartilage fibers. When a vertebra is misaligned, there is uneven pressure on the disc, causing swelling and protrusion. (You usually hear this as a slipped, herniated, or ruptured disc.)

Chiropractors call this condition SUBLUXATION when it results in compression or pinching of the nerves running through that specific area. These compressed nerves often become inflamed and prevent proper transmission of impulses to the section of the body controlled by these nerves. A seemingly endless list of illnesses and pains can be caused by these subluxations.

Misaligned spinal vertebrae are generally easily recognized, particularly those in the upper portion of the spine. However, less easily found and often overlooked are misalignments at the base or lower parts of the spine.

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The ability to recognize and correct these misalignments is an integral part of the Gonstead concept. For example: When the lower part of the spine has misaligned vertebrae, the body tries to keep itself and its skeleton upright and straight. It often compensates by causing the vertebra above it to become misaligned. This is the body's way of trying to reestablish the body's normal perpendicular position.
If only the misaligned top vertebra is adjusted, in cases where additional vertebrae are misaligned, only limited relief may occur. This would not get to the source of the problem. For complete and lasting results, all misaligned vertebrae must be identified and then a program can be started to restore them to their normal position. Every chiropractic case presents a different combination of misaligned vertebrae.

The Gonstead Adjustment
After a complete analysis, chiropractor Gonstead is ready to make any necessary adjustments. The focus of the Gonstead adjustment is to be as specific, precise and accurate as possible, addressing only the problem areas (areas of subluxation). Great care is taken to ensure a biomechanically correct position and precise thrust to provide the most precise and painless adjustment possible. Your Gonstead doctor's goal is to restore and maintain optimal health by locating and correcting any interference with the nervous system caused by vertebral subluxation.

“Find the subluxation, accept it where you find it, correct it and leave it alone.”
CS Gonstead

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